So you landed on this page in hopes of finding out more about me. Spectacular! Let me keep this simple and quick.

I was born and raised in Omaha, NE. where I’ve lived most of my life and feel very lucky to be here in this community. My family all resides here and I love being so close to all my kids & grand kids. Reading books is one of my favorite hobbies so naturally writing my own stories has always intrigued me.

I began writing mostly for myself in my early 30’s. I wasn’t really planning on sharing anything at that time, but was encouraged by my husband to consider publishing my work.

I am working on a speculative fiction novel that is an all out fun, right out of my imagination, world creating, adventure work. I’m pretty excited about that. That one has been put on the back burner for now so that I could start the Book of Life series.

The Book of Life series began when my own kids grew up and moved out. It was then I realized there was a need for a book that encompasses basic “starting out on your own” information. Something to help with all the questions that come when you leave home. As a new parent you always hear “I wish there were an instruction book for this” and I kind of applied that thought process when I created this series.

I’m so excited to share this book series with you. It’s full of practical advice, incredibly insightful tips (Mom Tips) and several customizable sections specifically made so parents, or other trusted adult, will be able to fill out. There will be future additions coming soon that are geared toward each stage of life, helping guide you as you get older and life changes for you.

Taking that journey into an unknown world where you get to meet the most incredible characters, take part in the most amazing adventures and fill your imagination with new and unknown worlds is one of the most fulfilling things for me! My desire is to share that same feeling with my readers as they delve into my fantasy novels.

*coming soon*