Book of Life: The Hero's Journey Vol 1

from $24.99

The Hero’s Journey is the first volume within the Book of Life series. Written as a helpful guide for every young adult as they take those first steps toward adulthood and leave home for the great unknown.

Filled with helpful ideas and tips giving them the best ways to navigate the process of moving out and successfully setting up their lives for ease and comfort.

Each section is filled with insightful, dedicated areas with basic knowledge for that section. In addition to those areas there is a unique bonus section ready to be filled out with one-of-a-kind personal information. These areas make the book unique to each individual because they have been filled out by parents or other important adult in their life.

*AVAILABLE for order now.

*LOCAL option price includes applicable tax-and is only available w/in the Omaha Metro area.

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This book spans everything they may need moving out for the first time! Subjects include things like basic room set up, how to open a bank account, minor first aid, doing laundry, change of address, how to get a passport and MANY more. Each section also includes specific areas where the parents can fill out and personalize the information targeting familiar products, items and information from their own individual homes and families. It’s like having mom and dad with you in book form!! Measures 7” X 10”, Hardcover with inside wire binding for easy page turn.